Thursday, April 2, 2009


Okay, I have to share one other excitement I discovered about a couple weeks ago. I was cleaning my apartment when something pink caught the corner of my eye and I husband came running. What is it? I stammer, I point...look at that as I pointed to my orchid. It has been sitting in the same spot since my husband bought it for me almost a year ago. There are not one but TWO flowers! Oh yeah he says...I have been meaning to tell you about that. I couldn't be more thrilled. I have owned more than one orchid. I buy it at the store...I bring it home. The advice I have received includes, put it somewhere and don't move it...water it, but don't over water it...they are careful with it. So when the blooms fell off...I was resigned to the fact that I probably wouldn't see blooms again. And yet...HERE THEY ARE!! I should water it...but the blooms are so pretty I don't want to disturb it.

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