Saturday, February 28, 2009

Restorative Yoga

So, today I went to my first restorative yoga class. Normally I don't get to go because between Weight Watchers and work, Saturday morning is pretty full. Because of the move, I was able to take today off...and while my Weight Watchers meeting was still on...I decided to try this yoga class. I have done only one other restorative yoga class, it was more like a workshop, the room was really warm, it was two hours and we used lots of props to keep ourselves into the the body could relax. Well, this was similar...not as many blankets...but holding poses and really trying to get into the stretch. Which, after a whole week of moving and physical labor...FELT REALLY GOOD! I was concerned. Sometimes my body doesn't bend and stretch the way everyone Else's seems to...but I only do what I can. My knees are my biggest block. They hurt 80% of the time...they LOVE to be walking but sitting or pains...and some days are better than others. I am trying to build the muscles around the knee cap...I have been told this is what my problem is...and if I can do that, I can strengthen them. But, let me encourage you, there are poses you may not be able to do, but as the instructor for modifications...or don't be afraid to come in and out of the pose if it is uncomfortable or painful...strengthen yourself first, THEN worry about being better at the pose. I have only been doing yoga regularly for about 6 months...and I feel stronger already. The 40 Days of yoga has really helped...although this week I kind of feel like a failure...I haven't been able to get it all in this week....but next week I will do better! Namaste!

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