Friday, July 16, 2010

Trip to Iowa July 8th

Well, I have to say that I did what I normally do in Iowa...slept in until about 9am...and then thought it may be a good idea to walk before it got too hot.  So I ate breakfast and my mom and I walked around Exira.  First we decided on the graveyard and back...then because the sun was already pretty warm, we just walked near the school and up and down a few side streets.  Came back and ate a little lunch...and then I took a 3 HOUR NAP?!?!?!?!?!  I don't nap.  I was horrified when I got up three hours later.  I did feel good.  Read in the sunroom and helped start dinner...Ted and Anne should be arriving we were going to eat later in the day.  So, just hung out and watched the birds!  Read..relaxed.  That is what you do!  Watch the corn grow (hee hee).  Ted and Anne arrived about 9pm and we had a yummy dinner.  My grandma browned a piece of beef in her dutch oven...then added a packet of Italian dressing mix, a packet of gravy mix and a can of beef broth...we cooked it in the oven slow until it fell apart.  Had her sour cream potatoes and salad to go with, and Lynn made some yummy garlic cheesy bread.  We had dirt cake for dessert.  Now who is dieting?

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